Motorcycle rider putting on a motorcycle glove

What riding gear do I need for a motorcycle?


Motorcycle gear is specifically designed to fit over layers, provide the best protection and minimize injuries from weather elements, road debris, noise and most importantly, accidents. Whether you are on a weekend ride or commuting to work every day, wearing safe motorcycle gear should be a top priority. Hopefully, you'll have safe riding days and not have to test first hand how well your riding gear protects you. And while cost, fashion and comfort may influence your riding gear, safety from head to toe should be top priority. 

The six important pieces of motorcycle gear

Motorcycle helmet

Helmets are available in a variety of styles, shapes and colors. Whether full face, open face or even a hybrid, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2017年,“据估计,头盔在防止摩托车骑手死亡方面的有效性为37%,在防止摩托车乘客死亡方面的有效性为41%.” According to NHTSA, “戴头盔是保护自己免受头部伤害的最有效的方法。”. Helmets also protect against the wind, sun, bugs and road debris. 确保头盔符合交通部的安全要求和标准。.

全面头盔可以提供更多的保护,一般来说,覆盖了眼睛保护的需要. No matter the style of motorcycle helmet, 这是至关重要的,以确保适合和感觉的保护衬垫是适合你的. Learn how to find the right motorcycle helmet.

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Eye protection

Protection is built into a full-faced helmet, but if you are wearing another style, you might want a set of motorcycle goggles — even if you wear glasses. 摩托车眼镜不仅可以保护你免受碎片的伤害,还可以防止昆虫飞入你的眼睛. It should provide UV protection and be made of shatterproof materials. 确保你选择的护目镜能舒适地与头盔配合使用. If you choose to wear motorcycle sunglasses, 一副两边有填充物的眼镜可以帮助你隔绝空气和碎片.


摩托车夹克可能是一种时尚宣言,但它也是另一件重要的骑行防护装备. Made from abrasion-resistant materials such as leather and/or textiles, a weather-resistant motorcycle jacket offers protection from rain, dirt, debris, and most important, the pavement in the case of a crash. 摩托车夹克是用光滑的表面制成的,以防止在人行道上被夹住.

一些夹克还有装盔甲和防弹背心材料的“口袋”. 还有其他类型的更硬的塑料盔甲提供额外的保护. 这些带装甲的摩托车夹克是骑手的热门选择,因为装甲通常覆盖关节和脊柱,在碰撞时为滑行的重要区域提供一些保护. Also check that it’s cut a little longer in the back, so that it covers your lower back when you lean forward on your motorcycle. There should be closures around the neck and wrists.

With a lot of people doing most of their riding during the warmer months, 摩托车夹克还需要通风选择,比如拉链通风口, perforations or mesh panels to make riding more comfortable.

此外,考虑摩托车夹克的颜色,以帮助确保你将 seen by other drivers. Some jackets will have reflective material built in, which can be very helpful if the jacket is a darker color.


摩托车手套往往被忽视,当骑手挑选他们的保护骑装备. Not only do motorcycle gloves help protect your hands and wrists from bugs, debris and weather, but they also offer protection from road rash and chapping. Because they are made from leather and synthetic material, gloves also help provide a better grip on the handlebars.

Just like motorcycle jackets with armor, 摩托车手套包括装甲区域的选择,以帮助保护你的手和手指在碰撞. Consider gloves that provide protection for your knuckles, palms and wrists that will allow for flexibility and grip control. Also, a thicker, more insulated pair may be needed for cold-weather riding.


Whether you wear riding pants or leather over your jeans, 摩托车裤可以帮助保护你的腿免受道路的严酷和碰撞时的道路皮疹. 像夹克一样,摩托车裤是由皮革或合成材料制成的. 一些摩托车裤的设计是为了搭配你的普通衣服,而另一些则是为了单独穿而设计的.

More and more, 摩托车防护装备利用了通常与防弹背心相关的更坚固的材料. This includes motorcycle pants and jeans. 摩托车裤包括在膝盖和髋关节处提供盔甲以及防滑的设计.


摩托车靴有时也会被更时尚的鞋子所忽视. However, 摩托车靴有助于保护你的脚和脚踝免受高温排气管的伤害,以防撞车.

一双好的摩托车靴需要足够灵活,可以让你换挡, engage the rear brakes and provide stability to protect your feet against the pavement. Properly fitted boots, should cover your ankles, 有低跟和防滑鞋底,以提供最大的抓地力在路面和挂钩.

Other motorcycle gear to consider

  • Rain gear – Compact and comfortable, rain gear should be easy to take on and off. Designed to fit over your motorcycle gear, 这种雨具是典型的浅色,使你可见的驾驶者,同时保护你从元素.
  • Cold weather gear – 如果你生活在寒冷的地区,你就会知道气温变化是多么迅速. 你可以从保暖内衣开始,然后扩展到标准摩托车装备的隔热版本.
  • Saddlebags –  Typically made of durable plastic, 摩托车鞍包的设计是为了保护你的设备和装备免受恶劣天气和撞车事故的影响.

Does insurance cover my gear?

This coverage can vary by insurance carrier. Some insurance companies like State Farm® include coverage for your motorcycle gear如果您购买了综合pp王者电子官网和/或碰撞pp王者电子官网,则最高可达预先选定的金额. Other insurance companies offer coverage for motorcycle gear, just not as a part of the comprehensive or collision coverages.

Like your protective gear, a State Farm agent 可以帮助保护你的摩托车免受盗窃,损坏,洪水和撞车.


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Bloomington, IL

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Richardson, TX

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