Cozy house in the evening with a lit up Christmas tree outside.

Holiday fire safety tips


Every year t在这里 are thousands of reports of 从梯子上掉下来 while stringing lights and hanging 装饰, 破碎的玻璃饰品造成的割伤和其他与节日有关的伤害事件. 根据 National Fire Protection Association, 2015年至2019年, 起火的圣诞树平均造成1000万美元的财产损失, 12 injuries and two deaths. 就在12月, 由蜡烛引起的装修火灾数量跃升至45%,而全年的比例约为33%.

遵循一些简单的假日消防安全提示,度过一个美妙的假期吧. 节日快乐!

Prevent Christmas tree fire hazards

  • 确保你的圣诞树是新鲜的——没有人喜欢一棵燃烧的圣诞树! 针应该很难从树枝上拔下来,用手指弯曲时不会折断. The bottom of the trunk should be sticky with resin. If you tap the tree on the ground, few needles should fall off.
  • 让圣诞树远离热源,如壁炉、取暖器、蜡烛、通风口和散热器.
  • 一定要每天检查水位,并确保支架充满水. Heated rooms will quickly dry out the tree.
  • 把圣诞树放在远离交通的地方,确保它不会挡住门口,以此来练习圣诞树的安全.
  • 如果你买一棵人造树,一定要看“防火”的标签. The label doesn't guarantee the tree won't catch on fire, but it does indicate the tree is more resistant to catching on fire.
  • If you used a real tree, 当你用完后,一定要把它放在远离你的家或其他可燃物的地方. 这是因为随着它的老化和不再浇水,它会变干,变得更加易燃.
  • Different areas have different rules for recycling trees. 与当地政府网站和/或你的垃圾收集者查看你的拾取选择. In some cases, this can include recycling real trees for mulch.

How to avoid candle fires

  • Only burn candles w在这里 you can keep an eye on them.
  • 当你上床睡觉,离开房间或离开房子,熄灭所有的蜡烛.
  • Ensure candles are placed on heat resistant, 稳定的表面,孩子和宠物够不着或碰翻的地方.
  • 蜡烛应该放在远离容易着火和燃烧的物品的地方, 比如树, 装饰, 窗帘和家具.

How do you avoid electrical fires?

  • 从信誉良好的零售商那里购买圣诞灯,以确保圣诞灯的安全. 检查你的灯是否通过了国家认可的测试实验室的认可,比如UL, Intertek或CSA. UL用红色全息标签标识满足室内和室外使用安全要求的产品. For indoor only usage, the product will have a green holographic label.
  • 一定要检查所有的灯,并扔掉任何有破损或破裂的插座和磨损的电线, bare or with loose connections.
  • Never use electric lights on metallic trees.
  • 一定要使用 延长线 for their intended use — indoors, outdoors or both.
  • 确保将户外圣诞灯插入有接地故障断路器(gfci)保护的电路中。.
  • Fasten outdoor lights securely to the house, trees or other supports to keep them from pulling away with the wind. But don't damage the cord with fasteners. 把灯固定在家里时,小心不要刺破屋顶瓦.
  • 注意水和雪,不要让延长线和灯接触到水和雪.
  • 确保电线和灯丝没有夹在门、窗或家具下面. This can damage the cord and its insulation.
  • When you leave home or go to bed, 一定要关掉所有室内和室外的圣诞灯和电子装饰品.
  • 在电线周围要非常小心——让你自己和你的设备离它们至少10英尺远.
  • 不要在电源插座上放太多的装饰物或其他电器——它们可能会过热并引发火灾.

Is your fireplace ready for the holidays?

  • 在使用壁炉之前,建议每年对它进行检查,看看你的 chimney should be cleaned.
  • 一定要在壁炉上放一个屏风,防止余烬弹出来,落在地板或地毯上.
  • Don't burn wrapping paper in the fireplace. 这种纸点燃迅速,燃烧剧烈,可能导致闪火. Only use seasoned wood.
  • 小心“火盐”,它会在柴火上产生彩色火焰. If swallowed, they can cause vomiting. 它们还含有会引起胃肠道刺激的重金属.

Additional safety tips for decorating this holiday season

火灾只是假日期间需要考虑的安全问题之一. Decorating can also be something that can cause injuries.

  • If t在这里 are small children in the home, take special care to avoid heavy, sharp or breakable 装饰. 而且要确保孩子们够不着带有可拆卸小部件的装饰品,这些小部件可能会被吞咽或吸入. 不要用类似糖果或食物的装饰来诱惑孩子,他们可能会吃.
  • 在使用梯子之前,检查梯子是否有松动或缺失的螺丝、铰链、螺栓和螺母.
  • When decorating outside, use wooden or fiberglass ladders. Metal ladders can conduct electricity.
  • Ladders should extend at least three feet past the edge of the roof.

And remember, if you're traveling for the holidays, follow these steps to help protect your home from theft 当你不在的时候. In addition to caring for your home, you can care for the environment this holiday season. Last but not least, please protect yourself by guarding against theft and scams. If you hang your stockings by the chimney, 请小心行事, and safely enjoy this time and the new year.

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