Person holding a pan and using a wooden spoon to saute shrimp and vegetables on a stove with a flame.


Protect yourself and your family from cuts, burns, slips and fires when cooking.

Many wonderful things get created and many good times have their start in your kitchen. However, anyone who does a lot of cooking has learned (maybe the hard way) that 厨房也可能是一些严重伤害的来源. Not only are t在这里 many sharp and hot (as well as slippery and shocking) things around, but cooking often involves juggling several tasks at once — sometimes while working around others.

Keeping your kitchen safe and your family free of cuts and burns isn't hard — most 厨房安全提示 是否简单易懂. 这是每个人的事 把安全放在第一位,即使事情变得忙乱和匆忙.



  • 保持刀具锋利. A sharp knife is much less likely than a dull one to slip or slide off a food item and catch your fingers while you're cutting.
  • 总是剪掉. Aim the knife 远离你r body in case it slips or slides through whatever you're cutting. 也, curl your fingers inward while holding items so if the knife does slip, 它会划伤指关节或指甲,而不是你的指尖.
  • 在一块安全的木板上切开. 确保你的切割面不能滑动, and never use your hand as a cutting board or cut food over the sink.
  • 舔勺子,不要舔刀. 虽然很诱人,但永远不要舔掉刀上的食物. 即使是黄油刀也会割伤你的舌头.
  • 放下刀. 不要试图接掉下来的刀. Letting it hit the floor and washing it off is a lot easier than dealing with a nasty cut. 另外,拿刀时要抓住刀柄,而不是刀刃.
  • 在显眼的地方洗刀. Don't toss dirty knives into a sink full of soapy water — you or someone else could reach in and get cut.


  • 不要穿宽松的衣服. 穿长袖,防止油脂灼伤, 但是不要让你的袖子, 外套, 围巾, or even your hair hang loose w在这里 they could catch on fire or hook a handle and tip over a hot pan. 悬挂的珠宝也是如此.
  • 转动把手. Turn pan handles in toward the stove so they don't get caught or bumped and spill the pan over as you or your children are moving around.
  • 把你的眼皮从你身上移开. 当打开火锅的盖子时, 倾斜它,使任何热蒸汽或喷射液体瞄准, 远离你. Be very careful around steam — not only can it burn you just as badly as a flame, 但它通常是看不见的. Just because you don't see a white cloud of steam doesn't mean you can't still get burned.
  • 不要把热液体放进搅拌器. 你的电器不仅会损坏, 但热量也会使锅盖松动, and suddenly hot liquids are spraying all over you and the kitchen.
  • 保持烤箱手套干燥. 湿的或潮湿的热垫或烤箱手套变得无效, 比干燥的手传递更多的热量.
  • 标记热盖和把手. Leave a hot pad on the lid or handle of pots and pans that just came off the stove so that no one accidentally gets burned.



  • 检查电器. 保持设备, 灶台和烤箱清洁并处于工作状态, 没有堆积的食物, 灰尘, 或油脂. Follow all manufacturer's guidelines for kitchen equipment and appliances.
  • 储存易燃物. Never leave or store rags, towels, or paper items near the stove or other heat-generating surfaces.
  • 准备灭火器. 总是有一个 灭火器 on hand, as well as a box of baking soda f或油脂 or oil fires.
  • 妥善保管物品. Don't ever walk out of the kitchen and leave heating pots and pans unattended.
  • 固定和检查电线. 确保电器电线没有磨损或熔化. Don't overload kitchen outlets with too many plugs, and keep electrical appliances away from water.


地板泄漏 会导致滑倒和跌倒,特别是在瓷砖地板上吗. 洒在台面上可能会造成电气危险, 降低切割的安全性, 导致锅碗瓢盆滑落、溢出或烫伤.

Make sure everyone in your household is familiar with these safety guidelines, especially small children who are likely to be running in and out of the kitchen or wanting to help. That way all your great food gets to the table and everyone is injury-free to enjoy it.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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